How to: Seasoning a New Smoker
So, you just got your new smoker… now it’s time to season it. Here’s my foolproof walkthrough on how to season a new smoker. Not only is this a good way to burn off all those factory oils, but it’s also your first chance to see how your grill/smoker runs out of the box.
Seasoning a new smoker allows you to see how your pit reacts to smoke & heat, whether you’re using charcoal, natural hardwood, or even pellets. In doing this, you’ll be able to get a better overall understanding of how your smoker burns before your first cook!
Step 1: Open it up
When setting up your smoker, be sure to give your fire as much oxygen as possible. You’ll want to open the lid, dampers, smoke stacks, doors, etc.
Step 2: Oil it up
Apply a layer of cooking oil to the interior of the cooking chamber. Feel free to use the cooking oil if your choice. I’ve been using avocado oil spray can lately. Make sure you hit those grill grates as well.
Step 3: Fire it up
Light up your charcoal and let it get going for 15-20 minutes. Once your coals start to gray over, close the lid and adjust your vents, dampers, and stacks. Add in some wood chunks, chips, or splits if you’d like. I like to season my smokers and grills around 375-400.
From there, we simply wait. Let the charcoal fully burn down. This could take a few hours or more depending on the smoker.